LOVE IS.......... February 2011

For Valentine's Day we asked all the children and staff the following questions....

Can anybody tell us what is love, where do we get it, where does it come from, how do we know we are loved and how do we show love?????

.....and here is what they said!!!!

Love is when my brother looks after me and my ma.
Love is when everyone dies and looks after me.
Love is when you have heart felt emotions for a girl.
Love is about respect and caring.
Love is when you marry a girl and you say do you love me XXX
Love is when you kiss a girl.
Love is very good.
Love is when you show someone appreciation.
Love is when you kiss a nice girl.
Love is when you love and care about each other.
Love is forgiving and understanding.
Love is to like someone in a nice way.
Love is to kiss and hug.
Love is when your little brother is born.
Love is Debby.
Love is when you get kissed and do back flips.
Love is when you give your girlfriend lots of kisses.
Love is caring for one another.
e Love is when you love someone and you kiss them.
Love is forgiving and being forgiven.
Love is when someone hugs you or kisses you.
Love is a large pizza, chicken nuggets, ice cold diet coke and your bestest friend eva!
Love is when you’re happy.
Love is when I kiss my bird yes.
Love is when I kiss my mam.
Love is when you meet a bird and when you kiss her.
Love is when my bird pays the bills.
Love is whatever you want it to be.
Love is when my ma is watching over me.
Love is kissing goodbye to your relations when they pass away.
Love is buying me pizza an chipper chips.Ü
Love is when I see Marcus my best brother.
Love is when you love each other.
Love is when you take care of your bird and family.
Love is being in a happy family.
Love is when two people get together and kiss.
Love is when you have a baby.
Love is when you let people join into your game.
Love is when you kiss a girl.
Love is when you go up to heaven.
Love is when two people like each other.
Love is peace and joy.
Love is when you have a baby.
Love is when you meet a nice girl.
Love is a feeling.
Love is when u like someone and have a baby.
Love is a Tracy Brereton smile to brighten your day!
Love is women when you get older and get married.
Love is a powerful thing.
Love is when you love a girl with all your heart.
Love is when you commit yourself to somebody.
Love is playing with my nephews and nieces.
Love is when you kiss a girl passionately and fall in love.
Love is when you kiss someone passionately.
Love is family, friends and girls.
Love is when you kiss a girl.
Love is when our family supports you every way they can.
Love is when a man and woman have feelings for each other.
Love is when you kiss a girl slowly and tenderly.

Love is all around us, we just have to open our eyes.
Love is fixing a computer for a friend.
Love is being a good friend.
Love is going to the cinema.
Love is when you kiss Cheryl Cole.
Love is when people help you draw.
Love is when you kiss and hug.
Love is happy.
Love is giving your ma a hug.
Love is making someone laugh.
Love is caring for someone.
Love is spoiling yourself because you’re worth it!!!