2nd Class Rummikub Challenge NCI Dec 2011


The North Wall Womens Centre are currently running courses in the following subjects.


These courses are on offer for Adults (age 18 +) wanting to improve there basic education skills or thinking of returning to education.

Junior Certificate English:

Ordinary Level every Wednesday from 2pm to 5pm.

Basic English:

Thursdays 1pm to 3pm course’s for both days are run in the Womens Centre.

Computers for Beginners:

Wednesdays from 2pm to 4pm in the Ballybough centre Dublin 3.

English classes:

Currently being run in the Womens Centre with very small numbers so more teacher pupil time.


Deborah O Shea

Community Outreach Worker

North Wall Community Development Program

Lower Sheriff Street,

North Wall,

Dublin 1


Telephone: (01) 8365399 Ext:206

Fax: (01) 8365452

Larriers Smashing Pumpkins!!!!

Today some of the Larriers boys, Ms. Larkin and Ms. Finn had great fun with some pumpkins!!!!!



Free Leaving Certificate Maths Grinds!

Are you looking for help with Foundation, Ordinary or Higher Level Maths for the Leaving Cert?

Venue: Ballybough Community Centre

Time: Every Wednesday, 5.30pm – 7.30pm

Contact: Sandra – (01) 8561383


I think someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.....do you know who he is????

Sam in Sheriffer!!!!!

Samuel ("Sam") Maguire (1879 - 6 February 1927), Gaelic footballer, is chiefly remembered for Sam Maguire Cup, given to the All-Ireland Senior Champions of Gaelic football.
The Sam Maguire Cup was designed and presented to the Gaelic Athletic Association in 1928 in his honour after his death in 1927. The cup cost £300 in 1928 (equivalent to €26,395 now).
It was made by Hopkins and Hopkins of O'Connell's bridge after it had been commissioned by the committee under the chairmanship of Dr Pat McCartan. Kildare was the first county to win the Sam Maguire cup after defeating Cavan 2-6 to 2-5 in 1928.
The cup was replaced in 1988, Meath being the first recipient of "Sam Óg" after a defeat of Cork. Kerry were the 2009 holders of the Sam Maguire Cup, following their defeat of Cork (0-16 to 1-9) whilst the Sam Maguire has finally gone home to Co. Cork in 2010, beating Co. Down 0-16 to 0-15.
And after a 16 year wait, Dublin brought Sam back to the shores of the Liffey on the 18th September, 2011. Dublin defeated Kerry 1-12 to 1-11.
Here's what happened when it arrived in the Community Hall in Sheriff Street.....

Larriers Book Club Meets Author Brian Gallagher October 2011

The boys in the Book Club had the opportunity to meet Brian Gallagher, the author of Across the Divide and recently released Taking Sides in Charleville Mall Library. Last year, as part of the HSCL initiative One Book One Community, the boys in last years 6th Class read Across the Divide. Brian also kindly signed copies of the boys books for them......

Larriers Conker Competition Winners 2011!!!

Well done to all the boys who took part in this years Conker Competition. Everybody did so well and had great fun.....check out Andy's video of the shufflers!!!!!
2nd Class
3rd Class
4th Class
5th Class
6th Class

Larriers Sunflower Competition 2011!

Well done to all the boys who took part in this years Sunflower Competition ...... congratulations to our final three.....

Celebrating Larriers Garandparents Day!!!!

Grandparents Day was 25th September. So we asked all the Larriers lads to nominate a grandparent and give a reason why. One grandparent was chosen from each class, which was a very hard task as there seems to be some amazing grandparents out there. So, these are the great things the boys said about their WONDERFUL grandparents .....
2nd Class - They could have showed me places that I never saw before.
3rd Class - You're my nanny, you make me feel happy and I just love you.

4th Class - She always minds me and she always gives me stuff and she loves me.
5th Class -She does everything for me and around the house. She helps me with the dog.
6th Class - The thing I love about my nanny is that she used to always make custard and it was lovely.
Here are some of our other nominees......
I wish to nominate _______ as the Larrier's Grandparent(s) of the Year because.....
... every Halloween she would scare little kids with scary masks.... you give us a lot of stuff and you let us help you put up Christmas stuff and you make lovely stew xxx.
... they were there for my ma when I was born and my nanny helps my ma.
... me and Patrick used to go to the shop with them and they used to buy us sweets.
... any time I was up town with her and me ma and any time me ma went to a shop she would sneak me 2 Euro for the pound shop.
... she is the best nanny because she made me my favourite dinner.
... I always go down the shop to get her milk and she used to give me money and she passed away in 2011. Her name is Margaret.
... she makes me a coddle every Sunday.
... I love my nanny because she always helps me when I am sick!!!!!!! Best nanny.... you're great and helpful. I thank you for helping me.
... she is so nice and kind. She is the best Grandma in the world.
... she helps me do my homework and lets me have sleepovers.
... she helps me with my homework and she wakes me up for school.
... she gives me everything and anytime I'm sick she always helps me.
... she goes to computer classes even if nobody else is there.
... she always gets me up early and makes me lunch.
... she is always kind to everyone and has helped me throughout all the years.
... she is very kind to me because she gave me my Christmas and my mas.
... she is very kind to people.
... she is so nice and she does alot of things for me, like she gave me money and I really love her.
... she always looks after me and she is always there when I need her, she's the best nanny ever.
... she is kind to me and gives me everything I want.
... múnsúmesc pentre sí ma pretez.
... because she gives me a lot of money and takes good care of me.
... because they are the best grandparents ever. They give me everything.
... when I go to Cavan my nanny minds me and gives me sweets.
... he minds me and gives me money, loads of money.
... bo kochata mne z serca. Kupowata me dozo zecy.
... she gives me 50 Euro a month and she lets me sleep in her house all the time.
... he gives me money all the time.
... you bring me everywhere.
... she brings me to the carnival when I'm in Belgium.
... he gave me a remote control helicopter.
... because you always get me stuff and take care of me.
... she buys me lots of good stuff like presents.
... he always gives me money.
... she is very funny and she makes me laugh.
... she makes me happy just by seeing her.
... the best nanny and granda in the world because you let me sleep over.
... she made cakes with me and gives me money.
... because you let me play with the dogs and the game.
... they are very kind and they are very funny.
... because they make me food and they give me presents. He gives me tea and biscuits in the morning.
... I like my nanny because she lets me stay on a Saturday.
... he brings me boxing and says well done after the match.
... they bring me golfing.
... my nanny and granda always give me money.
... she gives me money everyday shes in Puerto Rico.
... he gives me money and brings me to places.
... she is very nice and I love her very much because she gives me money.
... I love her so much.
... he gives me money when it's not my communion.
... she gave me money and dinner.
... when I was 14 months bought me lots of baby toys.
... I love my nanny very much and she is 58.







01 874 6810

Ballybough Community Centre



49 Ballybough Road, Dublin 3

Thursday 29 th September
open 6 – 8.00 p.m.

...Refreshments provided

...All Welcome...


Story Sack Classes for Parents.

Where: St. Laurence O’Toole’s C.B.S. with Marie Ann Dignam

When: Tuesdays

Time: 7pm – 9pm

Starts Tuesday 4th October 2011

Dates: Oct 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th.

Nov 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th.

These classes include sewing, knitting, embroidery & art & craft. So if you’re interested in any of the above this is the class for you.


COST: €10 (to cover the cost of materials)
Please contact me at the following number to book your place.

Thanks Úna (HSCL Co-ordinator)

Places are limited but a minimum of 8 people is required to run the course.


Adult Computer Classes for Parents.

Where: St. Laurence O’Toole’s C.B.S.

When: Tuesdays

Time: 7:30pm – 9pm

Starts Tuesday 4th October 2011

Dates: Oct 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th. Nov 8th & 15th.


€30 (refundable)

Adults who attend 4 or more classes will be refunded their €30 in full.

Adults who attend 2 or 3 classes will be refunded €15.

Adults who attend only 1 class will not get a refund.

Please pay deposit at the beginning of the first class (4th Oct)

Please contact me at the following number to book your place.

Thanks Úna (HSCL Co-ordinator)

085 1115323


Sunny Days in the Larriers!!! 11th May 2011

2nd & 3rd Class having fun in the sun in the Larriers'!!!!!!!!

One Book One Community March 2011

Nice way to start a Monday morning at the Larriers!!!!

One Book One Community March 2011

One Book One Community is an initiative run by the HSCL Co-ordinators. 6th Class and 1st years in 19 local schools have taken part. They at in the process of reading the book Across The Divide.It was launched during World Book Week in the Ballybough Community. Brian Gallagher, the author, kindly cancelled a prior engagment to be able to attend the launch.

Pancake Tuesday 6th March 2011

Larriers wouldn't be the same without our tradition of making pancakes in the school for all the children and staff on Pancake Tuesday. Úna, Liz and Breda made about 120 pancakes for everybody...check out the video to see the Larriers lapping up the pancakes!!!!

Monopoly Challenge in NCI March 2011

Third class took part in a HSCL initiative, Monopoly. Following four weeks practice in their classroom with the support and help of their parents and teachers they took part in a Monopoly Challenge in the NCI. The boys worked very hard and it paid off, Dylan Mc C got the top score at his table, in fact all the boys did very well. So, well done to Dylan all the boys in third class who took part!!!!

LOVE IS.......... February 2011

For Valentine's Day we asked all the children and staff the following questions....

Can anybody tell us what is love, where do we get it, where does it come from, how do we know we are loved and how do we show love?????

.....and here is what they said!!!!

Love is when my brother looks after me and my ma.
Love is when everyone dies and looks after me.
Love is when you have heart felt emotions for a girl.
Love is about respect and caring.
Love is when you marry a girl and you say do you love me XXX
Love is when you kiss a girl.
Love is very good.
Love is when you show someone appreciation.
Love is when you kiss a nice girl.
Love is when you love and care about each other.
Love is forgiving and understanding.
Love is to like someone in a nice way.
Love is to kiss and hug.
Love is when your little brother is born.
Love is Debby.
Love is when you get kissed and do back flips.
Love is when you give your girlfriend lots of kisses.
Love is caring for one another.
e Love is when you love someone and you kiss them.
Love is forgiving and being forgiven.
Love is when someone hugs you or kisses you.
Love is a large pizza, chicken nuggets, ice cold diet coke and your bestest friend eva!
Love is when you’re happy.
Love is when I kiss my bird yes.
Love is when I kiss my mam.
Love is when you meet a bird and when you kiss her.
Love is when my bird pays the bills.
Love is whatever you want it to be.
Love is when my ma is watching over me.
Love is kissing goodbye to your relations when they pass away.
Love is buying me pizza an chipper chips.Ü
Love is when I see Marcus my best brother.
Love is when you love each other.
Love is when you take care of your bird and family.
Love is being in a happy family.
Love is when two people get together and kiss.
Love is when you have a baby.
Love is when you let people join into your game.
Love is when you kiss a girl.
Love is when you go up to heaven.
Love is when two people like each other.
Love is peace and joy.
Love is when you have a baby.
Love is when you meet a nice girl.
Love is a feeling.
Love is when u like someone and have a baby.
Love is a Tracy Brereton smile to brighten your day!
Love is women when you get older and get married.
Love is a powerful thing.
Love is when you love a girl with all your heart.
Love is when you commit yourself to somebody.
Love is playing with my nephews and nieces.
Love is when you kiss a girl passionately and fall in love.
Love is when you kiss someone passionately.
Love is family, friends and girls.
Love is when you kiss a girl.
Love is when our family supports you every way they can.
Love is when a man and woman have feelings for each other.
Love is when you kiss a girl slowly and tenderly.

Love is all around us, we just have to open our eyes.
Love is fixing a computer for a friend.
Love is being a good friend.
Love is going to the cinema.
Love is when you kiss Cheryl Cole.
Love is when people help you draw.
Love is when you kiss and hug.
Love is happy.
Love is giving your ma a hug.
Love is making someone laugh.
Love is caring for someone.
Love is spoiling yourself because you’re worth it!!!

Monopoly!!!! February 2011

The boys in Ms. Hartes’ 3rd Class will be taking part in a series of Monopoly sessions starting Thursday 3rd February.

These sessions will take place for a period of 45 minutes over the next four weeks from 1.45pm-2.30pm. This four week session will be followed by a Monopoly Event in the NCI which will take place on March 9th.

WHERE: Ms. Hartes’ classroom – 3rd Class
WHEN: Thursdays for 4 wks starting 3rd February from 1:45pm – 2:30pm
WHY: To develop their numeracy, social and general knowledge skills

Dates to remember!!!
Thursday 3rd February 1:45pm – 2:30pm
Thursday 10th February 1:45pm – 2:30pm
Thursday 17th February 1:45pm – 2:30pm
Thursday 3rd March 1:45pm – 2:30pm

The parents/guardians of 3rd Class boys are invited into the classroom to partake in the fun with their child. This is a great way for you to have a really hands-on experience of your child’s education and to see what he does in school on a day-to-day basis.


The Boxing in the Community team would like to invite everyone to their first


in the National Stadium on

Wednesday 26th January at 7.30pm.

Admission is FREE.

The Showcase will feature young members from youth clubs and recreational centres from Kilbarrack, Poppintree, Ballybough, Summerhill, Donneycarney, Pearse St, Sheriff St, Ringsend, Cabra and Rialto. These boys and girls have progressed through our Bronze, Silver and Gold 'StartBox' Programmes and have worked very hard to reach this point. They deserve our support.

The Showcase will also honour young members who have progressed through the 'StartBox' initiative but who have been unfortunate not to have been matched or those who simply participated in this inter-community collaboration.


Suitable for parents of 5th & 6th Class or those attending secondary school

 CAO Process
 Choosing 2nd Level Schools
 Subject choices
 Understanding the system

Where: National College of Ireland

When: Wednesdays 26th January 2011

Time: 6 pm-7.30pm (Free of charge)

To book your place contact
Brigina Crowe NCI (01) 4498618


Parents Together Community Course
in conjuction with NCI

A Parenting Course for parents of children aged 2-8 years old.

 Develop a closer relationship with your child
 Enhance their learning skills
 Manage behaviour e.g. tantrums
 Reduce stress
 Meet other parents

Where: National College of Ireland
When: Wednesdays starting 26th January 2011
Time: 6.30pm-8.30pm

For details contact:
Michelle Moore & Linda Mc Grath
National College of Ireland,
Mayor Street,
IFSC, Dublin 1

Tel: (01) 4498608
Email: linda.mcgrath@ncirl.ie
Web: http://www.ncirl.ie/

This course is free for parents of the North Wall, East Wall, Pearse Street & Ringsend area.


Adult Computer Classes for parents.

Where: St. Laurence O’Toole’s C.B.S.

When: Tuesdays

Time: 7:30pm – 9pm

Starts Tuesday 25th January 2011

Dates: Jan 25th, Feb 1st, 8th, 15th & March 1st, 8th.


€30 deposit

Adults who attend 4 or more classes will be refunded their €30 in full.

Adults who attend 2 or 3 classes will be refunded €15.

Adults who attend only 1 class will not get a refund.

Please pay deposit at the beginning of the first class (25th Jan)

Please contact me at the following number to book your place.

Thanks Úna (HSCL Co-ordinator)